Thunder Reward
personalised learning

Product design

Zeta Learning


Zeta Learning leverages cognitive sciences to deliver personalised, gamified and efficient learning experiences that cater for each individual's unique learning abilities.

The product presented here is a learning-oriented service designed to enhance students' motivation by transforming their study time into a rewarding and fulfilling experience. Every learner starts by taking a cognitive test so that the experience is tailored to them from day one.

Key challenges

How to balance the needs of the business with those of the users? How to personalise learning at the level of the individual using the power of generative AI? How to shift the negative view that users have on learning to increase adoption? How to construct a design system which is highly usable and can be evolved in the future?

Role in my team

Working with the product manager and the development team, I planned and conducted all steps involved in the creation of the primary product, from user-centred research through to high-fidelity prototyping and developers hand-off.


Product strategy • user research • user journeys • interactive UX prototypes (Figma) • user testing, front-end development (HTML, CSS) • visual design (Adobe)

User research

In the early stages of research, I planned and lead generative design workshops with high-school students, using interactive drag-and-drop tools to help them take part in the definition of product features. Throughout the remainder of the project, we conducted rounds of concept and usability testing, ensuring a solid basis for making well-informed design decisions.

Product conceptualisation

After conceptualising the solution, I designed the app screens, built app components and created animated prototypes.

App architecture

I was tasked with creating the Information Architecture of the iOS app, drove its implementation with the developers and provided technical support throughout the front-end development process.

Comms assets

I helped with other aspects of the business and created some marketing material to convey the value proposition.